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About This Store


I’m Candace. I am a mom of one and a wife of one. I was a Chemist and Chemistry Teacher, but I gave that up a number of years ago to homeschool my darling daughter, Jana. I’ve homeschooled her since she was 3.5 years old. She is now in 4th grade. She’s an excellent reader, writer, mathematician, and scientist. Each year, her standardized testing scores are in the 99th percentile. I do not say that to boast about her, although I am proud of her. I say it to say that she achieves these accolades because of our consistent hard work. Since Jana was 3 years old, I’ve created worksheet after worksheet, practice after practice, and game after game, to ensure that whatever I teach her sticks with her for life – well, in reality, for as long as possible. I’ve created hundreds of worksheets over the years. Funny enough, I made many of these sheets on random notebook paper, then tossed them whenever we were finished using them. I’ve recently come to my senses, so I’ve decided to share many of our worksheets with you. I hope that my little store will help your child, whether in homeschool or public school, find the greatest success with learning and retaining.

Thanks so much for being here,


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